
[URL='https://linda69.com/\"javascript:report(650291,'][URL='https://linda69.com/javascript:getCommentsPerPage(0, 'comments')']«​


anonymous readerReport

2013-07-18 17:04:35
This definently has potential. It is also really good in my opinion. I do rather enjoy the stories that actually have more to it then just sex, and this my friend, is a very good start.

anonymous readerReport

2013-07-12 11:34:29
I love it but remember this story is not sex alone you have to sometimes make a hold part with no sex just to get the point across and keep the storyline going but i see lots if potential just dont mess up like you can make it that another person who made a pact with another in between beign with diff powers wants to eliminate them that would be interesting remember this is fiction anything can happen just let yourself go and wonder you can even made them fight an alien invasion and then to turn things worse the their goddes makes them have sex with them just wierd shit writting has no lomits exept the ones you make. keep up the good work XD

anonymous readerReport

2013-07-12 10:31:24
Keep it up very interesting
