



[URL='https://linda69.com/\"javascript:report(686566,'][URL='https://linda69.com/javascript:getCommentsPerPage(0, 'comments')']«​



Anonymous readerReport

2016-10-22 09:36:08
In druged an raped so please contacte if u don't want any legal problams

Anonymous readerReport

2016-10-22 09:32:48
I'm on the am not byr choice theyndrugrf Mr am raprd Mr an I'd it does not get I will contact my lauior

Anonymous readerReport

2014-04-06 01:47:54
... I think the ending was somewhat ironic lol.


2013-10-04 08:31:32
lifealchemist It's been taking me 3 or 4 days to post a chapter. I plan on finishing the story, not sure how many chapters it'll take


2013-10-04 05:29:52
Nice work. I like that you're starting to get back into the fantasy/magic side of things. Are you going to update regularly on this site or is there somewhere else you post? I enjoy your works and would like to know how often you are likely to update.
